Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Blog Junkie

So I have a confession, I have become a blog junkie! Since Todd has been in China I have had more computer time than I have in a while and I learned how to search for cool stuff on this blogspot thing. Due to my new addiction Avery is sporitn' a really cute new hair do and I have cool projects lined up to keep myself busy for the next ten years or so. Now that I can follow a bunch of my friends lives via the Blog I figured I should join in. So we shall see how this goes!

1 comment:

DeeDee {the great} said...

Shelli..I won't warn you because you already know it's addictive! So glad you're here! Now I can peer into your life any time I want to! luv ya! btw! Ike party at my house tomorrow! See ya there!